© Operation Lifesaver is a international, non-profit education and awareness program dedicated to ending
tragic collisions, fatalities and injuries at highway-rail grade crossings and on railroad rights of way.
Founded in Estonia on 19 November 2004 -
Eastern Prefecture
Annela Floren
In 2012 the Eastern Prefecture organised in schools
several lectures on railway safety that were meant
to increase the awareness of the youth about the
dangers related to railways and thereby reduce
the number of people losing their life on rails. The
lectures discussed such topic as “You can – make
your friends aware of dangers related to railways”,
“You can – explain to your close ones how to cross
railways safely”, and “You can –make your life safer“.
On December 10–26 we participated in OLE’s
campaign “Let the train pass! You are expected
home for Christmas!” reminding people about the
dangers and rules related to crossing railways. As
we know very well the actual situation in our area,
we focused our activities in the field of railway
safety to the bottlenecks. During the campaign
we monitored railway level crossings in Rakvere,
Tapa and Tamsalu, the pedestrian crossing in the
centre of Jõhvi, the railway section located between
Kerese and Paemurru streets in Narva, railway line
in Sillamäe and its crossings, and the Hiiemetse-
Auvere level crossing located in Vaivara rural
municipality. During the checks we identified several
violations and it appeared that mostly people fail to
follow the rules applicable for crossing railways at
level crossings. We also identified some trespassers
walking on railways where it was not permitted.
The police officers drew people’s attention to the
fact that they should follow the flashing traffic light
signals wile approaching level crossings and if there
are no such signals, they should make sure that no
train is approaching.
“Prevention and notification form a significant part of
the police work. Informing of people and increasing
their awareness in the field of safety help us to prevent
negative consequences.”
Western Prefecture
Karmen Kukk
In 2012 railway safety education work was carried
out in three counties of the Western Prefecture –
Järva, Rapla and Pärnu.
In Järva County, Marju Tamsalu and Malle
Hermanson, youth police officers of the Paide Police
Department, visited the kindergartens of Türi within
the framework of the “You can” project. Together
with Sparkies, they told to children about railway
safety and how to behave in trains. In cooperation
with Edelaraudtee AS was organised a practical
train trip from Türi to Käru and back that was
attended by 75 pre-school children. After the train
trip the kids drew pictures about what they heard in
kindergartens and experienced in trains, which were
later displayed in “Kevade” cafeteria located in Türi.
All the customers of the cafeteria had a chance to
choose their favourite drawings. The feedback we
received from the “You can” project confirmed once
again that the topics discussed were interesting
and useful. In 2013 the project will cover all the
kindergartens located in the territory of Järva County.
In addition to kindergartens, Malle and Marju have
held lectures on railway safety also 6th graders
during the KEAT project. The feedback from youth
has always been positive and after the presentations
they are convinced that they will not be spending
their free time on railways.
In 2012 Pärnu County obtained 6 new certified OLE
presenters. Already before getting their certificates,
the youth police officers organised in “Pöialpoiss”
kindergarten in Pärnu a railway safety day during
which a wooden train was constructed in the
yard of the kindergarten. Apart from OLE parents,
Pärnu Town Government and the students of Pärnu
Vocational Training Centre supported this project.
In Rapla County police officers led by Lea Leopard
organised a family day for the people of Kehtna
Rural Municipality during which were introduced
the dangers related to railway and road traffic.
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