Railway Safety in Estonia -
- Annual Report 2011
Eastern Prefecture
Railway safety has always been considered important in
the territory of our prefecture. Although railway accidents
do not happen often, their consequences are usually very
OLE and our prefecture have organised for three
consecutive years in Lääne Viru County a railway safety
creativity contest for raising public awareness about the
dangers present on railways and reducing the number
of railway related fatalities. The contest was meant for
creative works in video, picture, word or sound format.
Last year the pupils took their task very seriously and
presented to the contest 115 projects.
Our jury gave out the following prizes:
I prize – a scholarship of EUR 300
Pwent to Põlula
School’s 3rd grade: Elys Sammul; Kati Kivisaar, Ingrit
Tasdane, Karin Kriisa, Stiven Ditman, Lauri Kaasik,
Keio Rehe, teacher Inge Korkla
II prize – a scholarship of EUR 200
went to Tapa
High School’s 5C grade: Betty Abel, Artur Aleksejev,
Ernst Haksalu, Maiken Hermsalu, Kristjan Jordan,
Diana Klimtsuk, Kerttu Liis Kornilova, Karin Kudre,
Kert Kähari, Sten Liiva, Marek Oras, Arly Pavel,
Dimitrii Penkin, Kevin Pispea, Brigita Sooaru,
Andreas Sooniste, Carina Sooniste, Gerda Staal,
Robin Vaikmets, Anna Vorobjova.
• III prize – a scholarship of EUR 100
went to Rakvere High School 7R grade:
Tanel Kärvet, Erlis Liiva, Renita Rasmann, Liisa Püss,
Mari-Ann Ploompuu, Katre Trilljärv, Kert Kompus,
Rainer Rõkov, Hendrik Eerikson, Karl Soosalu, Ülli-
Kristin Uueni, Ruf Stoliar, Mihkel Muldma, Eleri
Etverk, Lisett Mitendorf, Marten Moldau,
Sander Moldau.
Another scholarship –
a scholarship for innovative
approach of EUR 75
was granted as well and it went to
grade 3B of Rakvere High School.
In the Eastern Prefecture railway safety matters are
taken care by
Annela Floren
, Senior Superintendant of
Prevention Service. Both her and
Olga Boitsov,
of the Estonian Health Promotion Association agreed that
such a contest is highly necessary and it will take place
also in the future.
“We consider railway safety promotion extremely important
and we are grateful to OLE that has taken time, made an
effort and contributed to railway safety prevention work.”
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